Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Draft paper about inverse

I recently submitted an abstract about inverse to an undergraduate computer science conference, and I just got word that it was accepted. I've written a draft paper, available on factorcode.org, and I'd like to hear your comments on it. I've written it for a completely general audience, not assuming knowledge of functional programming or stack-based programming languages. I didn't get into formal semantics or anything like that, partly because it'd make the paper too long and partly because I don't completely understand the point.

Speaking of undergraduate research, if you're interested in doing research in practical computer science this summer, I recommend applying to Harvey Mudd's CS REU. Applications are due Sunday. But only if you're a US citizen or permanent resident! The funding agencies don't like foreigners. (This is actually a serious problem for several of my friends, who have difficulty finding the same summer academic and internship opportunities because they are actively discriminated against as international students. I hope that, one day, discrimination based on citizenship is as illegal as discrimination against racial minorities or women, but we are very far away from that today. Now I'm getting off-topic.)


Shrutarshi Basu said...

Being an international student myself, I know first hand that it's hard to get funding. Luckily my professors like me and help get in touch with people with their own funding, so things are working out in my favor. Which conference is this for, if you don't mind my asking.

Phil Winkler said...

Enjoyed the read. Always wondered how the inverse worked.

I think there is a mistake on page 5 where it says "a comment, documenting that the word factorial" it should be talking about the parse-numbers word. At least that is the previous example.

Unknown said...

Basu, the conference is MICS, and I linked to it in the article. It's only for undergraduates in the upper midwest, though, which is a little bit odd.

Phil, you're right, that is a typo. Thanks!

Berlin Brown Discussions said...

Awesome, and great work.

Berlin Brown Discussions said...

Awesome, and great work.