. It's used for generating sequences easily where it wouldn't work to use a literal, a sequence initializer, or something that operates on an existing sequence. In its simplest form, make can be used like
[ 1 , 2 , 3 , ] { } make
which is equivalent to
{ 1 2 3 }
. The word ,
appends the top of the stack to an invisible array, which is outputted at the end. Of course, ,
can be used in a loop, and you can even call another word to add elements to the loop. For example,
: add-all ( seq -- ) [ , ] each ;
[ 3 add-all 4 add-all ] { } make
which generates { 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 }. [Note: this takes advantage of a curious property of Factor, that numbers themselves are sequences representing the range 0..n-1]
turns out to be a pretty useful word, so it's actually included in the Factor standard library under the name %
(with a more efficient implementation). So the previous code could be rewritten [ 3 % 4 % ] { } make
. These names may seem obscure at first, but you'll get used to them quickly.The importance of this is that, with
, you can do many complex things in constructing sequences that would be much more annoying when explicitly passed around. An example of this is take-until
, defined with the imperative parsing code in previous entries and make
: take-until ( quot -- string )
#! Take the substring of a string starting at spot
#! from code until the quotation given is true and
#! advance spot to after the substring.
[ [
dup slip swap dup [ get-char , ] unless
] skip-until ] "" make nip ;
Here's another example: say you want to write a function that takes a number and outputs the string "The answer to [whatever the number is] squared is [the number squared].". Factor doesn't require complicated string interpolation or inefficient multiple concatenations as other languages would; instead, it uses
. The word #
converts a number to a string and then appends it to the current product of make. The code is below:
: square-description ( num -- )
"The answer to " %
dup #
" squared is " %
sq #
"." %
] "" make ;
When used in this way,
"" make
turns out rather like the C function sprintf
. In other cases, like most uses of { } make
, it ends up acting as a substitute for Lisp's `
isn't any sort of magical builtin; it's actually implemented in very simple Factor code. It is in the vocabulary namespaces
and defined as such:
: make ( quot exemplar -- seq )
>r [
V{ } clone building set
building get
] with-scope
r> like ; inline
In English, all that does is make a new empty vector, place it in the
variable (which is dynamically scoped), call the given quotation, retrieve the variable, and convert the contents to the given exemplar. It operates inside a new scope so any outside definition of building
is unchanged, and make
's value for it is invisible after the word is run.Obviously, something's missing: how do elements get on this new sequence? The answer is that
puts them on. Its implementation is even simpler than that of make
: , ( elt -- ) building get push ;
and that is basically all there is to
Update: That's not all, folks! There's also a way to push a whole sequence, all at once, onto the
. How? Using a word cryptically called %
: % ( seq -- ) building get push-all ;
word is an in-place append.